2-28 Carolina Explorer Fishing Report: Spring has Sprung!!! The redfish, black drum, a lost sheepshead, bluefish, spanish, and a few flounder are biting. Get in on this great spring action or plan that summer fishing trip.

The inshore fishing has remained steady over the past few weeks in Carolina Beach.  The redfish are starting to spread out in their usual summer patterns.  They are moving onto the flats and out into the main parts of the channel.  We are catching them mostly with Gulp alive shrimp and gulp minnows on a 3/8 jig-head.  I have also caught a few on top-waters and crank-baits.  Lots of fun for beginners and pros alike.  We have also been using shrimp or cut mullet when all else fails or we want a break from casting. The black drum and few flounder are being caught in with reds. 

Just off the beach the action has been reel good with plenty of bluefish, a few Spanish, and a few bonito.  We are catching the blues jigging Sea Striker Jig-fish spoons or casting them into fish on the surface.  The Spanish and bonito have been mixed in there as well. We can also troll for these scrappy fighters as well.

If you are looking for inshore or coastal fishing trip in Carolina Beach, Wrightsville Beach, or Wilmington, then give me a call at 910-264-1807.  Summer is Just around the Corner, so start planning those Summer Family Fishing Trips 910-264-1807.

Daniel with the biggest fish of his life, all 9 years..  A great Carolina Beach Redfish.  He had bragging rights over Dan and Howard this trip.  He better watch out on the next one.

Jeff with a great carolina beach redfish on the redfish explorer. Caught on a gulp. 

The Brown family with a great catch of blues and a Sheepshead.  We also release a redfish as well. A great day on the water with family and friends.

Young Greg with a nice redfish. He worked for this one.

Steve with a nice CB redfish on a gulp.

Richard with a black drum caught on shrimp.

Same trip but different Richard holding a great black drum.

Rain and Taylor holding a black drum they caught together. Brothers having fun.

Rain super happy with this beautiful toadfish.

Dwayne with a redfish caught on a Gulp jerkbait on the flats.

Duvall with a nice early season flounder.

Mona with a redfish that fell for a gulp shrimp..

Duval with a 30″ red he caught on a gulp alive shrimp.

Laura with a nice redfish. Looking forward to shark fishing with y’all this summer.

Pete with another great carolina beach redfish on board the redfish explorer…

Ron came all the way from Canada to catch this redfish.  See you this winter….

Well the fishing is good and we are having a blast on each and every trip.  Come on down and get in on this action for yourself.  Call and Book your spring or summer fishing trip today 910-264-1807!!!!!!!!!

Thanks  for reading the report,

Capt. Robert Schoonmaker                                                                910-264-1807

www.carolinaexplorer.com                                                               www.redfishexplorer.com