Fishing Report 6-20-2012

I had Chuck and Pattie for a full day of live bait and trolling. Started with live bait and feed the pets for 2 hours straight. They got so aggressive they would eat a popper floating next to the boat. Landed 20 nice AJs, 4 large False Albies and a large Cuda. Moved off shore around 37 miles to troll for some Mahi. It didn’t take long and had our 1st small Mahi. They a Sail fish cut up both long baits but couldn’t get the hooks in her. We had good steady action on Mahi for a couple hours. We also caught another AJs while fast trolling with a artificial lure (I guess they didn’t get enough). Later in the afternoon the bite slowed and tried some bottom action. Another great ride home in flat calm seas.

Captain Mike Jackson
LiveLine Charters