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FANTAIL MULLET – Mugil gyrans

Published by: Captain Wild Bill Seafarer

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Family Mugilidae, MULLETS

Description: color olive green with blue tints on back, shading to silvery sides, white below; anal and pelvic fins yellowish; dark blotch at base of pectoral fin; inverted V-shaped mouth; insertion of second dorsal over that of the anal fin.

Similar fish: striped mullet, M. cephalus; white mullet, M. curmea (note difference in shape of fins and opercular margins, see inset).

Where found: INSHORE, occurring along beaches in the fall.

Size: small mullet, less than 1 pound.

Remarks: spawns in NEARSHORE or possibly INSHORE waters during spring and summer; juveniles occur INSHORE; feeds on algae, small crustaceans, and detritus.

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